This project began near the end of my senior year of high school. I had recently finished building my CNC Router, and having spent a lot of time learning about subtractive manufactured I wanted to learn more about additive manufacturing. I was pretty impressed by the open source Prusa printers, and decided to take some design inspiration from the original Prusa-Mendel 3D printer. I decided on the A-Frame design because I wanted a lot of rigidity but didn't want to spend a lot of money on aluminum plates or extrusion. I designed the entire printer in Autodesk Fusion 360, and used my CNC Router to mill out all of the pieces from 1/2" MDF. The whole assembly cost lest than $200, which I was proud of, but it lacked in build volume and print quality.
I decided to revamp the whole printer, reuse some parts, and create an entirely new and more accurate printer. I decided to use someone else's design as it is very professional and ironed out. This design is called the Hypercube, and more info can be found here.