This is a project that I started a few years ago, but ended up finishing in the Fall of 2020. After taking a computer systems class for my degree, I got really interested in the low level digital logic that makes computers work. The design for this computer is not my own, and a lot more information can be found on Ben Eater's page.
I started by using transistors to create common logic gates, like AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND etc, and moved to use more compact integrated circuits to perform logic. I built a wide range of more complex circuits from discrete logic gates, such as S-R latches, J-K flip flops, D flip flops as memory registers, counters, adders and demultiplexers.
A common theme in this project was to first build a component component from scratch, such as a 1-bit register, and then use a integrated circuit to replace it once I understood how it works. The end result is an 8 bit computer that can be manually programmed through its 16 byte RAM to add, subtract, store and output data. Although I didn't design this computer myself and had a lot of resources to look to, I feel like I learned more than I would have in a semester long digital logic class.